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Divya Yoga Shivir at Dhrti Yoga Studio Feb 2nd – 4th 2013


Dhrti Yoga Center has celebrated a 3-day divya yoga shivir with full vibe and vim as part of Golden jubilee year of the world class university cum ashram, Bihar School of Yoga, facilitated by Atma Darshan Yogashram (ADY).

The event was a huge success.  As many as 65 participants were present in the event, the majority being ladies and youngster.  The visiting swamiji, Dr. Swami Nirmalananda and Sannyasi Vamanavatar, have won the hearts of the spiritual aspirants and have nurtured the seeds of yoga and spiritual life through morning sadhana, noon workshops, evening satsangs, one-to-one discussions, and Q&A.  Swamiji invited all Dhrti practitioners to be part of the World Yoga Convention scheduled in October 2013 at Munger, Bihar.  It was, indeed, a life-changing experience for many sadhakas.

Books and CDs of Bihar School of Yoga were kept for sale and seekers have shown great interest and enthusiasm.

Many yoga sadhaks have volunteered, did great job, and got blessings of the visiting Swamiji.

Dhrti Yoga Team expresses heartfelt gratitude to Swamiji, ADY team, participants, and volunteers.

Hari Om Tat Sat

To checkout the event snaps, please click link below….

Divya Yoga Shivir at Dhrti – Photos