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Effect of Yoga on Cardiorespiratory functions

Effect of Yoga on Cardiorespiratory functions

 First publication on October 24, 2010

 By Dr.M.C.Panda in Yoga and Spirituality | A way of life

With the increased incidence of disorders of cardio-respiratory functions mostly due to altered life style, the time has come for us to address these without drug. Physiologically, it is understood that certain yoga postures with controlled breathing regulates the blood circulation and functioning of heart and lungs.

 If such yoga practices are performed for a long period of time, it will have therapeutic effect on functions of heart and lungs. Almost none of us use the full capacity of our lungs. The primary question is how one can regulate breathing process. By training our body to breathe in a particular pattern, we can activate our autonomic system to use the new system of breathing. Yoga enhances relaxation to the bronchial functioning. Yoga also strengthens endurance, pain tolerance, and muscle tone. The asthmatics may be trained to relax their bronchus during an attack of asthma without using drugs. This procedure cuts the panic element in an attack so that one can turn the mind inwards to relax bronchus during an attack. In pranayama, lungs are inflated to the maximum capacity and air pressure is increased in the lungs. This further leads to better oxygenation of the body which augments adequate release of chemicals in brain and endocrine glands. Heart beat also stabilizes because of breathing exercises mediated through autonomic nervous system.

Some of the Yoga practices recommended are;


1. Padmasana.

2. Bhujangasana.

3. Parvatasana

4. Sarvangasana.

5. Savasana.

Surya Namaskar:

This exercise increases the antioxidant properties in the human body. It is effective in improving blood circulation.


Nadisuddhi pranayama-alternate nostril breathing is effective against disorders of cardio-respiratory functions. Other types of pranayama techniques like Bhramari also show positive impact to this effect.

Yoga Nidra:

Yoga Nidra is emerging as an excellent preventive and curative procedure in cardiovascular management. It induces a more relaxed mental attitude and emotional climate, enabling practitioners to successfully withstand the stresses of daily life. The deep muscular relaxation in Yoga Nidra has a significant and effective therapy producing both subjective and objective improvement in respiratory function disorders in asthma.

Special Yoga practices:

I.R.T. (Instant Relaxation Technique), Q.R.T. (Quick Relaxation Technique) and D.R.T. (Deep Relaxation Technique) have remarkable results in prevention of heart disease.

Dr.Mahesh Chandra Panda, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Yoga Practitioner