6th DON’T
Don’t think too much of a disease.
Do not murmur when you encounter difficulties, troubles, diseases and sorrows. These are passing phases only. Be courageous. Be hopeful always. Face them with a smile. Endure them with patience. Meet them with great presence of mind. Mother Nature wishes to mould you, to strengthen you and to make you Her instrument-fit for Her unhampered play. Your body, your hands, your mind and your legs are Her instruments. Mother Nature wants you to develop the positive constructive qualities of courage, strong will, patience, endurance, mercy, love, compassion, goodwill, broad tolerance, kindness, etc. So you get
these difficulties and sorrows. Start a new divine life. Have a changed angle of vision. Have a broader outlook on life. Ex-pand. Evolve..Grow. Have a rich spiritual life.
Hari OM Tat Sat