1st DON’T
Dont expect, dont hope
2nd DON’T
Don’t keep in the heart any injury done by others.
3rd DON’T
Don’t compare.
4th DON’T
Don’t mix with rich people
5th DON’T
Don’t build castles in the air.
6th DON’T
Don’t brood over the past.
7th DON’T
Dont plan your future.
Whenever good ideas roll in your mind, at once jot down
in your pockect notebook.This is the keynote to success in life in
all endeavours, in every walk of iife, and in all spheres of activity. practise, feel and injoy. Mere theorising will not do. You
shoutd become a practical man. I always hammer on this point
again and again, and I am not at all tired of doing so’ I want you
to become a great man of admirable ideals, and not in the unknown future, but right now this very minute’ Give your full heart to me.
Hari OM Tat Sat