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Ritucharya – A class on diet and lifestyle

Hari OM,

With Magha amavasya, (16/01/2018), we enter into Shishir Ritu – winter season, which will last for two months – January and February  – Magha and Phalguna, and to stay away from different health conditions that one may face during this season, its advisable to follow the do’s and the don’ts (pathyas and apathyas) of this season.

The aim of Ritucharya class is the same, ‘Prevention is better than cure’.

Very informative and helpful session led by Dr. Sandhya Kumar, M.D. (Gold Medalist) who is a pro in her field.

You are welcome to attend the class.

Please find the details below:

Day: Sunday

Date: 21/01/2019

Time: 8:00 am to 9:00 am

Please note:

For the ritucharya class:

Kindly be seated 10 mins early in your place. 

Leaving the class in the middle is not allowed. 

Questions related to the topic only can be asked at the end of the class. 

Come in comfortable dress as you sit down for the entire class. 

Please don’t carry mobiles in the class. No yoga mat is needed

You can make notes hence carry a book and pen.