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Moonlight Walking Meditation – Girivalam

Hari OM,
Girivalam, is one of the most exciting and looking forward Dhaam Yatras of Dhrti Yogis. It was second time this yatra took place after two years, only when the Lord wishes. A trip which requires strength as it needs continuous slow walk with spiritual bent of mind on a poornima night, bare feet – 14 kms. The walk is  around Arunachal hills which is the Ista Devata of Shri Ramana Maharshi, the temple is one of the 5 Panchamahabhootas temple, Tejo Linga.
On 30 March evening 6 pm, 24 members from Dhrti Yoga Samskruti Center, started their Yatra to Thiruvannamalai.
Filled with full enthusiasm as it was first time for many, the journey was covered chanting the name of the Lord, reciting kirtans and stotrams. It was midnight by the time all reached, everyone swift as there was a long march ahead, quickly refreshened up, and began their Sadhana – Moon Light Walk.
Chanting OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA. Paying obeisances to the 8 temples around the hill, completed Girivalam morning 7 am.
Though there was a long queue, all the aches and pains disappeared with wonderful darshan of Lord Arunchala and mother Parvati.
Nevertheless, yummy prasadam at the temple calmed down the jatharagni. It was CHAITRA Poornima….the day we beg pardon from Chitra Gupta for the mistakes we commit the whole year, whole life…
After a quick siesta, was visit at Yogi Ram Surat Kumar’s ashram. The prasadam served by the ashram inmates with so much of love and devotion, filled not only the tummy but even the heart felt content.
The vibrations in the meditation hall with soft japa –
“Yogi Ramsuratkuma Yogi Ramsuratkumar Yogi Ramsuratkuma Jaya Guru Raya”,  was experienced by all, this deep silence and peace was further deepened in Bhagawan Shri Ramana Maharshri’s Ashram. Though summer, weather was just pleasant. With whole lot of peace in the mind and joy in the heart all returned home safely next day evening.
Many thanks to one and all to make this Dhaam Yatra pleasant and memorable once again.
Hari OM Tat Sat