After initiation to asanas and breathing practices, one can move ahead with pranayamas and then meditation. As there is stability in body and mind, it prepares you for the same.
Pranayama requires deep involvement and sincerity and asanas help you to achieve this.
Breath is the bridge between the body and the mind; an area we can control and an area beyond our control; this can be manipulated with breath. Inhalation represents stimulation; exhalation calmness; holding the breath stillness. Thus with modification in breathing pattern one can modify the physical, mental, and pranic state.
You can begin with yogic breathing and samavritti pranayama; observing inhalation and exhalation, the interrelationship and changes in the proportion; getting better for practices like kapalbhati, nadi shodhana, bhramari.
A simple sequence can be followed make sure you know the practices very well, learn it from an experienced teacher:
1. Vitalizing pranayama: Bhastrika, Kapalbhati (it’s a cleanser), Surya Bheda Pranayama
2. Cooling: Sheetali, Shitkari, Sadanta / Chandra Bheda
3. Balancing : Nadi Shodhana
4. Psychic Breath : Ujjayi
5. Tranquilizing: Bhramari
Prayanamas are to be practiced as per one’s capacity. Never force it. People with health concerns like high BP, heart disease, backache should practice under the guidance of teacher.