Hari OM,
Sunday 24th May at 8.00 am, we attended the Bi-monthly Ritucharya session by the Ayurvedic Dr. Sandhya Kumar. I was one among the fortunate few to get benefited and with Lord’s mercy sharing the knowledge on Dhrti Blog.
As usual it was a great session with simple, informative crisp talk by the doctor.
The excerpts are as given below :
From mid April to mid June, is the 2-month duration of Greeshma ritu. But right now we are in the cusp of Greeshma and Varsha ritu.
In Greeshma, sun soars high, the water bodies dry up, meaning Pitta in our body is high and Kapha is down and Vata is trying to increase.
The influence of Sun (responsible for Pitta), the Moon (Kapha) and the Wind (Vata) on the earth is exactly reflected on our body too.
During this ritu, one feels more tired and the pains and aches show up more. Generally we get low in energy (alpa bala).
Most of the diseases seen in this Greeshma ritu are
1) dehydration
2) variety of fevers
3) urinary tract infections
4) digestive problem
5) headaches
It is very easy to get cramps in this season. The muscles require a balance between salt and water; so one needs to drink plenty of water and lot of tender coconut to get rid of the cramps.
The Ahaara (diet) for greeshma ritu :
The taste of foods allowed are:
sweet (madhura)
sour (amla)
& Avoid
salt (lavana)
pungent (tikta)
astringent (kasaya)
Sweet and sour is the food of Greeshma Ritu!
1. Pomegranates in plenty-you can make syrup adding sugar and use
2. Dry (raisins) or dry black grapes – soak in water overnight and have them as it is or blend in a blender to make juice. Do not use fresh green grapes, can use black/red grapes.
3. Sweetened orange juices, bananas, chikoos
4. Red Rice, old rice
5. Green Gram, the best
6. Whole black gram
7. Jeera
8. Bhendi (ladies finger), cucumbers and all gourds
9. Yam, Potatoes (only boiled n steamed)
Only fully ripe mangoes need to be used. Always use the regional ones (when in Bangalore, use raspuri, mallika, benganapalli, badami) and aam panna can be had.
Preserved sweet amla (needs to have procured in the month of nov-dec, preserved n use now)
Huri Hittu/Lajja of ragi, rice or wheat
Vihaara (Food to Avoid):
Barley (as it increases pitta), New Rice, New Tarmarind, Peas, Horse Gram, Mustard (high in pitta), Hing (can have more of this in the next ritu), til, Ajwain, Chillies, Garlic, Pepper, Brinjals and avoid Mint. Avoid Dhantu soppu (amaranth) and cashew.
Though it is usually advised to have warm water for thyroid patients and for reduction of fat, but it is advised not to have warm water in this ritu alone. Avoid fridge water but use mutka water.
Achaara (Exercise):
Very moderate in exercise. No adventure. Avoid travel, if necessary cover yourself fully and protect your eyes. Holidaying near any type of water bodies is advised.
Vichara (Thoughts):
Moods are irritated as pitta is increasing. ( strokes/paralysis occur more in this ritu)
Do not bring in any pressure. RELAX. Be among children have fun and laughter.
Do not eat outside food, for the fear of jaundice( due to increased pitta)
In a nutshell, during this ritu, eat home made simple foods, stay at home, make merry with family. It is real holiday for everyone..!
Dr. Sandya suggested Dr. Deepak Chopra’s books on Ayurveda for easy understanding on the subject.
Hari OM Tat Sat
Sudha Thilak