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Shatkarma Trip to SVYASA

A Shatkarma trip to SVYASA Yoga University, Jigani Bangalore was arranged for yoga practitioners of Dhrti Yoga on June 27, 2010. I was one of the participants in the group of 12. Satya, Director Dhrti Yoga accompanied the practitioners. The programme commenced with demonstrations and practices of Jala Neti & Vamana Dhauti: the two practices of six Shatkarmas. It was followed by practices of D.R.T. (Deep Relaxation Technique) in the yoga hall. In the campus visit the most valuable learning was visiting I.C.M.R. (Indian Council of Medical Research) Neurosciences Laboratory where researches are being conducted to study the effect of yoga practices on brain wave pattern of yoga practitioners before, during and after the practice. A talk on Yoga and Health covering all the aspects of physical, mental, social and spiritual health was delivered by Prof. T. Mohan. The talk was followed by practices of Cyclic Meditation. The visit to SVYASA, a Yoga University was a great source of learning of academic, therapeutic yoga and higher aspects of Yoga practices. Such visits need to be arranged at frequent intervals and more number of practitioners should participate in the programme.

Dr.Mahesh Chandra Panda, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Yoga practitioner, Dhrti Yoga