SDM event at Prashanti camp, SVYASA
On 6th April 2010, a free camp (free transportation & fooding) was organized by S.D.M. (Stop Diabetes Movement) project at Prashanti, SVYASA University, Bangalore for diabetic persons practicing Yoga. I was one of the participants representing Dhrti Yoga Studio, BTM 2nd stage Bangalore. It was a whole day business from 10 5 P.M. with lunch break for one hour from 2 3 P.M.
The forenoon session was taken up by Dr.Gopal Basistha, Rheumatologist Symbiosis Hospital, Atlanta U.S.A. who had come over to Bangalore for the occasion. He presented his case studies by Video & power point presentation how cases have been benefitted by integrated therapy of Allopathic & Ayurvedic systems of medicine including yoga practices.
The pre lunch session was held in the newly constructed “Santosh yoga hall”. The National movement for “Stop Diabetes through Yoga” (S.D.M.) was launched jointly by Govt.of India & SVYASA, Bangalore. The Secretary Dept. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India inaugurated the newly built Santosh yoga hall in SVYASA campus & attended the function. Director of AYUSH, Govt. of Karnataka also attended the function. The Vice-Chancellor of SVYASA, Dr.Nagendra presided over the function. The Registrar of SVYASA and Joint Director (Research) AYUSH were the other dignitaries in the dias.The Dean of Academic affairs welcomed the guests in Vedic language of Sanskrit. Three elderly persons having diabetes narrated their experiences how their diabetic status has come under control through yoga practices.
The post lunch session started with yoga practices (practical classes) for the participants followed by Krida yoga. The programme ended with visiting the SVYASA campus.
Dr.Mahesh Chandra Panda, M.B.B.S., M.D.
Yoga practitioner, Dhrti Yoga