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Swadhyaya of Yoga

First publication on August 1, 2010

By Dr. M C Panda in Yoga and Spirituality|A way of life

After attending regular yoga sessions for elderly persons in Dhrti Yoga Studio, BTM 2nd Stage Bangalore from July 28, 2009 to April 22, 2010 for about 9 months; I had to practice Swadhyaya of Yoga at home as the yoga classes for elderly persons could not be conducted at Dhrti Yoga Studio due to unavoidable circumstances and we were told that possibly there will be 2-3 months of break in resuming classes at the Yoga centre.

Relating to the prevailing situation; Satya madam, Director Dhrti Yoga posted a message titled ‘Self Discovery’ in the website of which read “This week and few more weeks practitioners at Dhrti incorporate the practice of Swadhyaya – Self Study which will help them in self discovery”. On April 30, 2010 she wrote me a mail saying: “I hope you are practicing asanas learnt by vijaya regularly….am sorry doc due to medical emergency I could not take care of all you senior citizens though I always wish to do my best for all, I hope situations would soon improve and I would be in better position to do my best for all yoga practitioners.” In my reply I wrote her: “You will be happy to know that I am practising yoga asanas followed by pranayama daily for 45 minutes in morning hours at home. I will continue to do so till regular classes at Dhrti yoga centre resumes.”

Since April 26, 2010 I took up Swadhyaya of Yoga in study and practice having experience of 9 months yoga practices with additional advantage of my medical background. I read the books ‘Light on Yoga’ and ‘Light on Pranayama’ authored by B K S Iyengar, ‘Yoga Nidra’ by Swami Satyananda Saraswati,’Yoga for Arthritis’ by Dr.R.Nagarathna and Dr.H.R.Nagendra along with articles published in different yoga websites. I read, remembered, composed, drafted, edited and published my articles in my own blog Yoga and Spirituality and contributed articles relating to yoga to the blog of Dhrti Yoga. I practiced yoga practices meant for elderly, diabetic and arthritis daily in morning hours at home.

Some of the regular yoga practices I am practicing are:


1. Sukhasana

2. Hastapadasanchalana

3. Bhujangasana

4. Makarasana

5. Dandasana

6. Tadasana

7. Savasana


1. A-kara, U-kara, M-kara, A-U-M Chanting

2. Cin Mudra, Cinmaya Mudra, Adi Mudra, Brahma Mudra

3. Kapalabhati

4. Nadi suddhi pranayama

5. Bhramari pranayama


The yoga session starts with recitation of prayer with mantras and shlokas about Glorious manifestations of Universal Power and ends with wishing health, happiness and peace of the mankind.

Now on resuming classes at Dhrti Yoga Studio on July 30, 2010, I am attending special yoga sessions two days in a week for Yoga Nidra, MSRT, D.R.T. and Cyclic Meditation along with daily practice of Swadhyaya of Yoga at home.

Practicing yoga in group sessions under a yoga Instructor in a well organized institute like Dhrti Yoga Studio headed by an able and qualified Director do have many advantages. One can develop enthusiasm for well coordinated yoga exercises in attending group sessions conducted at yoga centre. One can rectify incorrect posture, practices and learn new techniques of yoga practices. As a participant of recognized yoga institution, one has the scope to interact with apex yoga institution like SVYASA Yoga University. To narrate my involvement I am to say that: I had attended the Detox program at SVYASA Yoga University Jigani campus Bangalore arranged by Dhrti Yoga centre on August 30, 2009.I was one of the participants in SDM (Stop Diabetes Movement through Yoga) Prasanti free camp for yoga practitioners having diabetes at SVYASA on April 6, 2010 representing Dhrti Yoga. I was also one of the twelve yoga practitioners in Shatkarma Trip to SVYASA on June 27, 2010 arranged by Dhrti Yoga.

With my knowledge, experience and practice of Yoga for One Year, I can say; for best results, initial learning of yoga practices must be done regularly in a yoga centre under a yoga instructor for at least six months and then Swadhyaya of Yoga can be done supplemented by special yoga sessions at yoga centre which need direct guidance and practice under a trained yoga instructor.

Dr. Mahesh Chandra Panda, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Yoga Practitioner, Dhrti Yoga

BTM 2nd Stage Bangalore