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World Yoga Day 21st June, 2014

June 21st was the World Yoga Day which is celebrated all over the world by the yoga communities to commemorate and salute the lofty philosophy and practice of yoga, which now has evolved into an unique world culture, transcending the limits of nationality, community, religion, and region.

Everyone will have to embrace yoga one day or the other, because Yoga is the heritage of yesterday, the need of today, and will become culture of tomorrow , as our Yoga Guru Sri Satyananda Saraswati says.

At Dhrti yoga center, we celebrated this hallmark day through an unique art exhibition of oil paintings by Smt. Suvarna Kamakshi.  She has received accolades and laurels all over the country from eminent artist and art critics.

The theme of the exhibition was Yoga Jagati – Kala Jagruti, the myriad hues of Yoga.

Rare and unique Art Exhibition was from 2 to 5 p.m., and witnessed more than 100 art lovers.