Hari Om Sadhana-tattva or Science of Seven Cultures 9th Read the Ramayana, the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavata, the Upanishads, the Yogavasishtha or other religious books daily without fail. Study more during holidays. 📖✝📕🕉📕☪📕☯📖
Hari Om Sadhana-tattva or Science of Seven Cultures 9th Read the Ramayana, the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavata, the Upanishads, the Yogavasishtha or other religious books daily without fail. Study more during holidays. 📖✝📕🕉📕☪📕☯📖
. 🙏🏻 Hari Om 🙏🏻 *Sadhana-tattva* Or *Science of Seven Cultures* _To the rapid evolution of the_ _. Human being_ *PSYCHIC CULTURE *8th* Memorize important and inspiring portions of your sacred scripture according to your capacity. Memorize also any inspiring quotations from other spiritual books. Keep a pocket version your scripture with you at all […]
🙏🏻 Hari Om 🙏🏻 *Sadhana-tattva* Or *Science of Seven Cultures* _To the rapid evolution of the_ _. Human being_ In Continuation after health and energy culture is: *PSYCHIC CULTURE* *7th* Study one chapter or ten to twenty-five verses of the Gita or your scriptures with meaning, daily. Learn the original language of your scripture, at […]
. 🙏🏻Hari Om🙏🏻 *Sadhana tattva* or *Science of Seven Cultures* _To the rapid evolution of the_ _Human being_ *HEALTH CULTURE* *1st* _Eat moderately. Take light and simple food. Offer it to God before you eat. Have a balanced diet_ 🍒🍏🍒🍏🍒🍏🍒 *2nd* _Avoid spicy and hot foods, like chilies, garlic, onions, tamarind, etc., as far as […]
🙏🏻Hari Om🙏🏻 *Sadhana tattva* or *Science of Seven Cultures* To the rapid evolution of the Human being *ENERGY CULTURE* *5th* Observe silence (Mouna) for 2 hours daily and 4 to 8 hours on Sundays. 📵🔇❌🗣❌🤐
. 🙏🏻Hari Om🙏🏻 *Sadhana tattva* or *Science of Seven Cultures* _To the rapid evolution of the_ _Human being_ *HEALTH CULTURE* *1st* _Eat moderately. Take light and simple food. Offer it to God before you eat. Have a balanced diet_ 🍒🍏🍒🍏🍒🍏🍒 *2nd* _Avoid spicy and hot foods, like chilies, garlic, onions, tamarind, etc., as far as […]
🙏Hari Om🙏 *Sadhana tattva* or *Science of Seven Cultures* To the rapid evolution of the Human being *HEALTH CULTURE* *1st* Eat moderately. Take light and simple food. Offer […]
HEALTH CULTURE 2nd Avoid spicy and hot foods, like chilies, garlic, onions, tamarind, etc., as far as possible. Give up tea, coffee, smoking, betels, meat and wine entirely ❌☕🍷🍶🍾❌
HEALTH CULTURE 1st Eat moderately. Take light and simple food. Offer it to God before you eat. Have a balanced diet.
. 🙏🏻Hari Om🙏🏻 Our next readings is Sadhana tattva or Science of Seven Cultures For quick evolution of the Human being The written work of Sri Swami Sivananda Maharaj. The term sadhana-tattva means “the truth about spiritual practice”. Content of this reading is 32 RESOLVES under the following tittles 1.HEALTH CULTURE 2.ENERGY CULTURE 3.ETHICAL CULTURE […]
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