SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 🔔After DON’TS in RIGHT CONDUCT. We begin with…….🔔 ⚜Don’ts in VAIRAGYA⚜ 1st DON’T Don’t forget the miseries of the world 2nd DON’T Don’t try to get comforts If you get all sorts of comforts in a place, you will not grow strong. Your mind […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔After DON’TS in RIGHT CONDUCT. We begin with…….🔔 ✨Don’ts in VAIRAGYA✨ 1st DON’T: Don’t forget the miseries of the world. Yoga kills all sorts of pain, miseries and tribulations. Attachment is real death. Non-attachment is eternal life. Attachment brings manifold miseries. Non-attachment brings manifold bliss.Learn how to lead […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 🔔 Right Conduct🔔 9 Don’t Don’t utter falsehood on any account. You should always try your level best to speak the truth at all costs. You may lose your income in the beginning. But, in the long nrn, you are bound to be victorious. You will realise […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 🔔 Right Conduct🔔 Ethics or ethical science treats about Sadachara or right conduct, morality or duty. Ethics is the science of morals, that branch of philosophy which is concerned with human character and conduct. Conduct is behaviour. Deportment, carriage, demeanour, conduct, behaviour are synonymous terms. […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 🔔 Right Conduct🔔 7 Don’t Don’t develop evil habits, such as, smoking, drinking liquor, etc. Alcohol is a deadly poison that destroys the brain-cells and nerves. Many nervous diseases are due to this only. It becomes very difficult to correct and reform a drunkard. […]
🕉 Hari Om 🕉 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD’S REALISATION DON’TS in RIGHT CONDUCT 6th DON’T Don’t use bad words. Parents should check their children when they utter any bad words. They themselves should not use any bad words. They themselves become the Gurus for these children. children simply imitate. They have […]
SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD’S REALISATION DON’TS in RIGHT CONDUCT- Don’t blame or speak ill of others The doctrine of Karma teaches: “Do not blame anybody when you suffer. Do not accuse God. Blame yourself first. You will have to reap what you have sown in your previous birth. Your present sufferings are […]
🕉 Hari Om 🕉 GARLAND OF YOGA. SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD’S REALISATION DON’TS in RIGHT CONDUCT 5th DON’T Don’t DISPLEASE anybody. Lack of ADAPTABILITY leads to displeasing others and arises the ANGER. Anger is a wave of unpleasant feeling that arises from the Antahkarana, when one […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 3rd DON’T Don’t hate or condemn anybody. Hatred is another evil quality. This world is full of hatred. There is no real love. The son dislikes his father and tries to poison him to take possession of the legacy soon. The wife poisons […]
Hari Om SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD’S REALISATION DON’TS in RIGHT CONDUCT. 1st DON’T Don’t covet others property. 2nd DON’T Don’t revenge . When a man beats you, keep quiet. Suppress your feelings. Follow the instructions of Jesus Christ and his ‘Sermon on the Mount.’ Says Jesus: “If a man beats you on one cheek, tum […]