. 🔔Hari Om🔔
3rd DON’T
*Don’t fail to maintain daily* *diary*.
A diary is really a whip for goading the mind towards righteousness and God.
The diary is your teacher and guide.
You will have to record in your diary the time you get up from bed and the time you retire to bed, the hours of sleep, study of religious books, the number of Malas of Japa, how many hours you meditate daily, the nature of mistakes you committed and any self punishment in the form of fasting or increase in the number of Malas, how many lies you have uttered in the course of the day, how many times you became angry, how long the anger lasted, how many hours you spent in selfless service, how many times passion troubled you, how long it lasted and the methods you adopted in checking it, the number of Pranayamas daily, how long you practised Asanas, how many hours you wasted in useless company and talk, etc.
You should not neglect to record everything in your diary. It is better you compare the progress of your work of the present week with that of the previous one. If you are not able to do so every week, you must, at any cost, compare it once a month. Then you will be able to make various adjustments in different items, increase the period of Japa and meditation, and decrease the time of sleep. Blessed is he who keeps daily diary and compares the work of this week with that of the last, for he will realise God quickly!
Hari OM Tat Sat