🕉Hari Om🕉
10th DONT: *Don’t move with worldly minded people.*
A worldly-minded man is a slave to impure Vasanas. A worldly-minded man wishes to get praise from the world and tries to avoid the censure. He thinks and acts in such a way that all people should praise him. This is also an impure Vasana.
Be careful. Friends come to have idle talks with you and they waste your time. They want to pull you down and make you also worldly. Do not be carried away by the flowery speech of such friends.
Satsanga is a safe boat to take the aspirant to the other shore of fearlessness, the shore which is beyond darkness. Sri Sankaracharya says: ” Satsangatve nissangatvam, nisangatve nirmohatvam, nirmohatve nischalatattvam, nischaratattve jivanmukti”.
By keeping the company of great Mahatmas, one becomes dispassionate. He gets Vairagya. He does not like the company of worldly men. Then he develops the state of Nirmohatva. He becomes free from infatuation or delusion.Then his mind becomes steady and one-pointed and rests on the Svarupa or Essence. Then he attains Liberation or Freedom.
Even a moment’s company is quite sufficient to overhaul the old vicious Samskaras of worldly-minded people.
🕉Hari OM Tat Sat🕉