Mantra moolam guror vakyam; Moksha moolam guror kripa
The Full Moon in the month of Ashada (June – July) is celebrated as Guru Poornima. On this day, we honor, celebrate, and renew the link and association with our Guru.
The word Guru means by whose grace we are able to remove the darkness of ignorance and shine the light of knowledge in our lives. Our journey is from the external Guru or the one who dispels the darkness to the internal Guru, where the light shines eternally.
Guru Purnima is a very auspicious day for doing vigorous Sadhana or Yogic practice and for starting any spiritual Sadhana also. Like every year the sadhakas from Dhrti Yoga center celebrated the morning sadhana at Atma Darshan Yoga Ashram with chanting and kirtan, Akhand OM, Guru Gayatri havan, Satsang with Sw. Dharmakeerti Saraswati, reciting the Saundary Lahiri and sumptuous Prasad. The evening Sadhana was at Dhrti center, where the students joined in for Guru chants and Guru Prarthana, Shri Vishnu Sahasranama chanting, and once again tasty prasadam….