SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 🔔 Right Conduct🔔 Ethics or ethical science treats about Sadachara or right conduct, morality or duty. Ethics is the science of morals, that branch of philosophy which is concerned with human character and conduct. Conduct is behaviour. Deportment, carriage, demeanour, conduct, […]
*5th DON’T* Don’t attend cinemas and don’t read novels. Give up cinemas and novel-reading. Cinemas produce an evil tendency in man. He cannot remain even for a day without attending a show. His eyes want to see some half-nude pictures and some kinds of colours; and his ears want a little music. Young girls and boys […]
🙏Hari Om🙏 🌷🌻🌷 *SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD’S REALISATION* *DON’TS in BRAHMACHARYA* *1st DON’T* Don’t waste your Veerya (semen). *2nd DON’T* Don’t procreate too many children. *3rd DON’T* Don’t cast lustful look at women. *4th DON’T* Don’t mix with the opposite sex. Do not be too familiar with anybody. Familiarity breeds contempt. Do […]
🙏Hari Om🙏 Chapter – GARLAND OF YOGA. 🌷🌻🌷 *SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE* *AND GOD’S REALISATION* *DON’TS in BRAHMACHARYA* *1st DON’T* Don’t waste your Veerya (semen). *2nd DON’T* Don’t procreate too many children. *3rd DON’T* Don’t cast lustful look at women. Avoid looking at women with lustful intents. Entertain *Atma-Bhava or the bhava of mother, […]
🙏Hari Om🙏 🌷🌻🌷 *SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD’S REALISATION* We have completed the 11 DON’T in SADHANA. By continuing sadhana of the 11 don’ts. *Today we Begin with DON’TS in BRAHMACHARYA* Brahmacharya is freedom from sexual thoughts and desires. It is control of Indriyas in thought, word and deed. It is both for men […]
🕉Hari Om🕉 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD’S REALISATION SADHANA 10th DONT: *Don’t move with worldly minded people.* A worldly-minded man is a slave to impure Vasanas. A worldly-minded man wishes to get praise from the world and tries to avoid the censure. He thinks and acts in such a way that all people […]
9th DONT: *Don’t be a slave to the Indriyas.* 🕉Hari Om🕉 FIVE Jnana Indriyas or Organs of knowledge. Ears Eyes Tongue Nose Skin Sanskit names are Srotram, Chakshu, Jihva, Ghrana and Tvak. FIVE Karma Indriyas (organs of action) Vak (organ of speech) Pani (hands) Padam (feet) Upastha (genitals) Payu or Guda (anus) That man who has […]
8th DONT: *Don’t depend upon servants.* 🕉Hari Om🕉 Don’t depend on servants, have self-reliance.Self Reliance gives immense internal strength. This is an important qualification for material and spiritual success. Luxurious habits have rendered people very weak. A doctor and a lawyer want servants to put on their shoes and stockings. They cannot draw a pail of […]
🌷Hari Om🌷 Chapter : *GARLAND OF YOGA* SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD’S REALISATION SADHANA 7th DON’T: *Don’t waste any opportunity.* Do not miss the golden opportunity this life gives you for God-realisation. Let each day dawn for you as a fresh opportunity and occasion, opening up before you to move one step further […]
🙏Hari Om🙏 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD’S REALISATION SADHANA 6TH DON’T *Don’t fail to discharge your duties to parents* We must serve parents who have given this physical body with great Shraddha and Bhava. In the Taittiriya Upanishad you will find: Matrudevo bhava, pitrudevo bhava. The parents should […]