Category: Expressions and Experiences of participants at Dhrti
My friend says after his workout he feels like overtaking all vehicles, but after yoga sessions, I feel the other way. I have been practicing for the last 20 months at Dhriti under the guidance of Satya. Let me be frank here, that my flexibility was nil when I started. It took a year to […]
Russian student, who visited India and while his stay attended a short course of one month along with his other Russian colleagues. He narrates in his words, “Satya, you discovered for me universe of Yoga. I never suppose yoga is much more than only Indian National physical culture or gymnastics plus a bit of philosophy […]
His wife Sindhu, and their 8-year-old son Samarth Jain has been practicing yoga with Satya. The whole family could feel the bond getting stronger with every passing day. The most profound effect was on Samarth, a tiny kid coming along with his mother daily for practice from tender age of 3, developed such a strong […]
A middle-aged woman have been learning and practicing yoga since two years, she could feel major difference in her. “I have overcome my temper which has given me immense satisfaction and a sense of achievement. I am able to maintain my weight. I have gained a lot of flexibility in my body which has eased […]
“Attending yoga classes have helped me in many ways. Being a diabetic person it has helped me to keep my cholesterol in check. It has helped me to keep my blood sugar level under control. As my physiological body is going through many hormonal changes, it has helped me to overcome the stress related with […]
Had multiple problems but it’s her strong spirits-her sincerity that has helped her tremendously. “I feel more flexible and energetic. It has knocked down about 5 years in my age. Yoga has helped me to sit on the floor and get connected to the mother earth and enjoy doing the asanas. It’s a wonderful feeling […]
“I am practicing yoga from couple of years and consider myself very lucky to educate myself under able guidance of Satya, who is truly service oriented. I can feel lot of changes in my body and mind. I have learnt the practices in depth – the physiological, the psychological benefits of it. It’s a pure […]
He had met with an accident, which lead to head injury and neck pain, after regular practice of yoga he says: “I find longer pranayama session to give me more relaxation and gives lasting freshness. However, morning session is a good option as I feel less tired in the evening. More number of Pranayama would […]
I have been practicing Yoga from close to year with breaks on and off. I work as a doctor and have an active work-life. Firstly this is only ME time I get for myself thrice a week with pure focus on just myself without any errands on my mind. Yoga has helped me in becoming […]
My primary motivation to starting off on yoga lessons was due to my liver condition. After 8 months of a hepatitis attack, my bile count was not dropping below normal, despite taking strong medication (including steroids) and having strict diet control. I checked my count last week, and for the first time since mid-2009 it […]