Friday is Guru Poornima – For all the Yogis, Guru Poornima is the most important day.
On this day Shiva, the Adi Yogi or the “first” yogi, became the Adi Guru. He decided to impart his methods to the Saptarishis – The Seven Celestial Sages.
Well, it took 84 years of hard-core sadhana by Saptarishis to get Shiva’s attention and only after 84 years of intense preparatory work, Shiva found them to be true receptacles of knowing, so on Guru Poornima he transformed himself into a teacher training them to impart knowledge to whole world….these Rishis went to different parts of the world and till date Yoga continues to be one of the most revered systems.
People over the world have been practicing, discovering the uniqueness of this system and have been reaping rewards, no wonder so many have fallen in love with Yoga..
Dhrti Wishes you all “Divine Guru Poornima”
Am sure you in your unique way will continue to pay respect to th Adi Guru and keep up to the rich philosophy we are blessed with.