Regular rice is much maligned and is fast being dropped in favour of its unpolished avatar. But are the charges valid? Sports nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar separates the grain from the husk The Chinese eat rice with every meal, breakfast included, and the average Chinese on the street is thin, if not skinny. In our country, […]
….. time transcended. Nidra Yoga workshop conducted by Mr. Andre Riehl enthralled 53 practitioners. Andre is the President, Federation of Yoga Europe, and is the scholar of yoga practicing for over 30 years. His expertise was not only understood but deeply felt by one and all in the session. The session began with understanding the […]
Most persons start practising meditation because of personal problems. Doctors advise patients to meditate to overcome physical sicknesses and psychosomatic diseases. Some persons resort to meditation because of psychological or emotional problems. Some want to meditate because their religion recommends it. Some want to achieve psychic powers. Some want to know about themselves. A few […]
Namaste, Though I couldn’t make up to the event today, but I started practicing “Surya Namaskara” for the past 10 days quite diligently performing around 40-80 rounds every day. Today I began the practice at 7:30 AM and was able to complete 108 rounds in less than an hour (~ 45 Minutes). Thanks to Dhrti […]
At the crack of dawn, 32 participants of Dhrti were set to welcome Surya today on this auspicious day of Ratha Saptami. Began with their sankalpa to do Surya Namaskara – yes as per their will power – 16 enthusiastic participants completed 108 rounds. The event began at 6 am with 3 OMs and shanti […]
Rujuata Diwekar Now that winter has officially set in, want to snuggle up with a steaming mug of coffee or indulge in some bench-warming? Spare a thought for those creaky knees, stiff lower back and wobbly ankles. For that’s what will become of them if you continue sitting around and comforting yourself with tea, coffee […]
A child like curiosity is an asset. The 10 am sessions at Dhrti Studio is full of cheerful homemakers and love to discover new things in a pose. While few of them are working – balancing life, others are mothers with their own special conditions, but what is the most striking feature over here is […]
You know a Sunday is well-spent when some brilliant speakers are generous enough to impart knowledge that you can actually incorporate into your life. My morning was spent attending a seminar where Zubin Zarthoshtimanesh, a senior teacher of BKS Iyengar yoga, and Dr Dilip Nadkarni, renowned orthopaedic surgeon, came together to share tidbits of wisdom […]
Yoga is learning to come back to you. It’s finding your limits, expanding your boundaries, and being able to truly relax into who you are. Continued practice of yoga brings medium to long term rewards for the body mind. Most practitioners start practice either in restless or hyperactive state of mind, or in a lazy […]
Eat fresh food every morning, have yogurt daily, drink adequate water and work on getting good, restful sleep. Gorge on junk food and work it off on the treadmill the next day? Party till the wee hours and wake up tired, groggy and sluggish? Drink alcohol and need coffee to beat the hangover? If you […]