SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 DON’TS IN WAYS TO PEACE AND HAPPINESS 6th DON’T Don’t brood over the past. Do not brood over failures, defects and mistakes. This will weaken your ‘will.’ […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 In Continuation we complete Don’ts in Discipline. We begin the DON’TS IN WAYS TO PEACE AND HAPPINESS 4th Dont Dont mix with RICH People 5th DON’T Don’t […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 We begin the DON’TS IN WAYS TO PEACE AND HAPPINESS 3rd DON’T Don’t compare Key to blessedness lies in being aware of blessedness. If your awareness is […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 In Continuation we complete Don’ts in Discipline. We begin the DON’TS IN WAYS TO PEACE AND HAPPINESS 2nd DON’T Don’t keep in the heart any injury done […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 In Continuation we complete Don’ts in Discipline. We begin the DON’TS IN WAYS TO PEACE AND HAPPINESS 1st DON’T Dont expect, dont hope The central teaching of […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 ⚜Don’ts in DISCIPLINE⚜ 8th DON’T Don’t Fail to Observe Mouna. 🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺 Mouna means vow of silence. There are different kinds of Mouna. 🕉If you keep this physical body without any movement and if you sit calmly like a statue, it is catted *Kashtha […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 ⚜Don’ts in DISCIPLINE⚜ 8th DON’T Don’t exert too much. 🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺 Do not reduce your diet too much. It will produce weakness and thus interfere with your meditation. 🌺Too much of laughter is another channel through which energy is wasted. A man who always bursts […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 ⚜Don’ts in DISCIPLINE⚜ 8th DON’T Don’t fast too much. 🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺 The fruit that is allowed to ripen on the tree itself will be very sweet. But, this takes a long time. That tree which grows slowly for a number of years wi[[ become very strong […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 ⚜Don’ts in DISCIPLINE⚜ 6th DON’T Dont disobey the laws of nature. A clerk who gets a salary of Rs. 50/- has six children at the age of 39. Every two years, there is an addition. He never thinks: “How shall I maintain such […]
SWAMI SIVANANDA’S TEACHINGS 🔔 SPIRITUAL DON’TS FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE AND GOD REALIZATION 🔔 ⚜Don’ts in DISCIPLINE⚜ 6th DON’T Don’t think too much of a disease. Do not murmur when you encounter difficulties, troubles, diseases and sorrows. These are passing phases only. Be courageous. Be hopeful always. Face them with a smile. Endure them with patience. Meet them with […]